improve liquid flow to the inlet side of any pump, extending the service life of all inlet system components.
Positive displacement (PD) pumps contain an inlet valve that alternately opens and closes, creating an acceleration and deceleration of fluid into the pump.
The patented "J" Model Inlet Stabilizer works to minimize these pressure fluctuations and acceleration head losses by preventing fluid column separation at the pump's inlet. This improved flow to the pump's inlet effectively extends the service life of all inlet system components.
* Ensure complete chamber fill, extending component service life
* Protect pumps, valves, diaphragms, and pistons from excess stress and strain
* Protect inlet components from vibration and fatigue
* Ensures accuracy of inlet side gauges
* Prevent premature system component failure
* Prevent cavitation
* Prevent gauge damage due to vibration
* Extend diaphragm life in all diaphragm pumps
* Improved inlet flow conditions
* Patented control unit allows you to adjust for pressure or vacuum settings
* Regulates for suction lift or positive inlet pump conditions
* Available in 10 cu in (.16L) to 10 gallon (37.85L) sizes
* All standard models available from stock
* Bodies available in a full range of chemically resistant materials
* U.S. Patent #6,089,837
Product Literature
SENTRY Inlet Stabilizers.pdf