Tuthill Kinney Rotary Piston KD & KDH
Tuthill Kinney Model KD30, KD50, KDH130, KDH150
KD and KDH Single-Stage Duplex Rotary Piston Pumps
• Absolute pressures down to the low micron range
• Belt-driven, low-speed rotary piston pumps
• No small orifices to plug up
• Rugged and reliable
• No metal-to-metal contact between pump piston & cylinder
- clearances are filled with oil
• Adjustable gas ballast permits handling of condensible vapors
KD pumps are air-cooled.
KDH pumps are water-cooled.
Tuthill stands by its 100+ years of quality and durability in vacuum pump technology by offering the longest rotary piston pump warranty in the industry - 30 months!
Applications: Drying Chambers, Filling Machinery, Evacuation of Process Chambers, Degasifiers
Specification Sheets
KD KDH.pdf